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> 云南美泰玩具有限公司详情
  • 成立时间2009 年
  • 所属行业服装/纺织/皮革
  • 企业性质外资(欧美)
  • 注册资金100 万元
  • 员工人数1000-5000人
  • 所在地址文山 - 文山
  • 浏览次数3117 次
  • 更新时间2024-4-1
  • 云南美泰玩具有限公司的公司简介
    •        Mattel is the world's largest and best toys and household goods company, headquartered in California, USA, which has over 30,000 employees all over the world and has an annual turnover of more than 6 billion dollars, whose products enjoy popularity throughout 150 countries and regions, among all toys category, Mattel dominates the biggest market share.
          Mattel owns over 80 toy brands, including the most mom-trusted Fisher-Price, girl’s top fashion doll Barbie, most popular preschool brand Thomas & Friends, Hot Wheel, Matchbox that boys are crazy for, etc.
      Mattel's large scale production plants are located in Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and China, focusing on the production of high-quality, safety toys for children.
             Mattel Yunnan Co., Ltd is the fifth Plant invested by Mattel Group in China, located in the Hometown of San Qi - Yanshan county, Wenshan prefecture, Yunnan Province, permanent plant building was put into service in 2012, the plant located in Bubiao industrial zone of Yanshan (beside Bubiao Highway toll gate), 1st phase of the plant covers ****** square meters and with estimated over 4000 employees. 2nd phase of the plant will cover ****** square meters and the number of employee will reach to 12000. Currently there 2000 employees in the plant, and the product is focused on the manufacturing of costume for world famous fashion doll Barbie and Monster High.
         The company is committed to provide a platform for employees’ continue growth, to create an employee favored cultural atmosphere. As a human-based company, we provide competitive salary and benefits to each employee.

      云南美泰玩具有限公司是美泰集团在中国投资成立的第五家工厂,位于云南省美丽的三七之乡—文山州砚山县,2012年正式搬入永久性厂房,工厂位于砚山县布标园区(布标收费站旁),第一期建设占地16000平方米,预计拥有员工4000人以上。第二期建设占地200000平方米,预计员工达12000人。目前云南美泰拥有员工近2000人,现阶段侧重于制作世界知名玩具时尚娃娃Barbie(芭比)和Monster high(精灵高中)的服装。
      5 working days per week;
      11 days statutory holidays and other holiday such as annual leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, etc;
      Social Insurance and additional Commercial Insurance;
      Abundant training and development opportunities;
      Various entertainment facilities including Karaoke room, Library, etc.
      联系电话:0876-3123123-2201 罗小姐

      2.文山方向来:可以直接到文山总站乘坐文山至砚山的中巴。 行程约40分钟.

      可以从昆明长水机场直飞文山普者黑机场. 行程约45分钟

    • 云南美泰玩具有限公司的招聘职位
    • 职位名称
    • 工作地址
    • 性别
    • 截止时间
    • 招聘人数
    • 月薪
    • 投递简历
    • 温馨提示:关注如东招聘网微信公众平台:tianxiard ,获取最新求职招聘资讯,如东招聘网打造如东地区最大,最专业的人才网!
    • 云南美泰玩具有限公司的联系方式
    • 1、在面试时可先在百度或者谷歌搜索一下该公司的相关信息,查看公司的基本情况,确定是否为虚假招聘信息!
    •    点击这里在百度搜索云南美泰玩具有限公司相关信息
    • 2、本页面的招聘信息由会员自行发布,真实性由发布人负责,但若发现招聘信息不实,请您向本站检举,我们将立即核实并处理!
    • 3、任何以招聘名义向求职者收取费用的行为都是违法的,请求职者在求职过程中勿向招聘单位交纳任何费用,包括培训费、
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    • 4、如果该公司隐藏联系方式,请注册简历后直接在线发送简历 ,系统将会自动投送您的简历!
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